Energiewende, Energiepolitik, Energieplanung
September 24, 2019

It only happens together: Energy transition needs all – eza! video for your homepage

Energiewende im Allgäu – das geht nur gemeinsam! Nur wenn jeder mitmacht, kann sie gelingen. eza! hat hierzu einen tollen Kurzfilm gedreht. Der Film zeigt, wie wir es schaffen können: mit engagierten Menschen, die Ideen entwickeln und sie umsetzen. Die Bilder wecken Emotionen. Überzeugen Sie sich selbst! Bitte unterstützen Sie den Weg zur Energiewende in unserer Region mit der Veröffen

energy efficiency, efficienza energetica, energy transition, policies
September 14, 2019

Scaling up investments towards deep energy renovations of residential buildings in Europe through on bill schemes: the H2020 project RenOnBill officially kicks off

In order to achieve the European Commission’s long-term energy vision for 2050, yearly energy investments in the EU need to almost double  and of these, energy efficiency improvements in residential buildings represent more than half. Deep retrofits will thus be critical, but, as they can be expensive, new and innovative ways of financing are vital. On-bill schemes (OBS) are one key innovative

climate and energy planning, Slovenia
September 10, 2019

Long-term energy planning on a local level in Slovenia: difficulties and deficiencies on example of Municipality of Celje

Slovenian municipal or local energy policy is based on a strategic document called Local Energy Concept (LEK). LEK is the most important tool for planning a long-term local energy policy strategy, because it encompasses ways in which local communities can tailor solutions for efficient, economical and environmentally friendly energy services in homes, businesses and public institutions. The docume

data collection, green building, energy efficiency, clean energy
September 5, 2019

The H2020 project ExcEED and its geo-clustering tool: Mapping and improving the energy efficiency of buildings

The geoclustering tool of the EU-funded project ExcEED is one of the central tool of its project platform. The ExcEED platform provides different tools featuring building performance in operational conditions, allowing you, as a platform user, to visualise the energy and comfort data of your building; assess your buildings’ performance through 27 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs); benchmark you

mobility, transport, workshop
August 22, 2019

Corporate mobility management concepts in Munich

The city of Munich is growing and so is the number of commuters. Measures to avoid unnecessary traffic, to increase the efficiency of mobility and at the same time to reduce CO2 and exhaust air emissions are urgently needed. IMEAS project partner B.A.U.M. Consult is commissioned by the City of Munich to conduct convoy consultations with accompanying workshops over a period of 10 months. The format

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Cooperative planning processes | authorities, architects and citizens work together to develop a concept
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