energy, clean energy, covid
June 16, 2020

IEA Article – The impact of the Covid-19 crisis on clean energy progress

The Covid-19 pandemic is having a major impact on energy systems around the world, curbing investments and threatening to slow the expansion of key clean energy technologies. Dave Turk and George Kamiya (IEA- International Energy Agency) examine 10 key themes in a recent article available at

policy purposes, Paris Convention on Climate Change
March 6, 2020

Paris – Vorderwald: Try out for four weeks what world politics decided in Paris

How can the Paris climate goals be achieved in rural areas? In May 2019, 14 Vorderwald households with 64 people spent four weeks trying to get as close as possible to the climate goals decided by the international community in Paris. The results of the climate experiment The greenhouse gas emissions of the participants were already below half the Austrian average before the trial. As part of the

March 6, 2020

Energieautonomie Vorarlberg: Startschuss für neue Umsetzungsperiode

Die erste Umsetzungsperiode der Energieautonomie Vorarlberg mit Zeithorizont 2020 steuert auf ihr Finale zu. Im Rahmen eines Treffens der Mitglieder der vier Arbeitsgruppen der Energieautonomie Vorarlberg im Cubus in Wolfurt wurde Resümee gezogen. Im Jahr 2010 haben sich rund 60 Vorarlbergerinnen und Vorarlberger in vier Arbeitsgruppen zusammengefunden, um konkrete Maßnahmen mit Zeithorizont 202

energy efficiency
February 13, 2020

Exploration: Energy need for non-residential buildings in Vorarlberg

In order to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases in accordance with the Paris Agreement and the Energie Autonomie Vorarlberg, a decarbonisation of the residential and non-residential building sector is necessary. This is being confirmed by a statement of the provincial government in the Energie- und Monitoringbericht Vorarlberg. According to this report, in 2016 47 % of the final energy consump

mobility, cities
February 4, 2020

Walking, cycling and public transport: still the greener mobility options in cities

The European Environment Agency (EEA) just published the Transport and environment report 2019 “The first and last mile — the key to sustainable urban transport“. The report provides a comprehensive overview of all main ‘first mile’ and ‘last mile’ mobility options for passenger and freight transport. It describes their urban mobility and policy contexts and p

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