August 1, 2019

Leading companies against the traffic infarction

Leitbetriebe gegen den Verkehrsinfarkt Vorarlbergs Straßen werden immer voller. Gleichzeitig steigen die verkehrsbedingten Umweltbelastungen und verfügbare Flächen werden knapp. Die Mitgliedsbetriebe von Wirtschaft MOBIL – 13 namhafte Unternehmen von Alpla bis Zumtobel – wollen deshalb täglich 2.000 Autofahrten auf Rad, Öffentlichen Verkehr und Fahrgemeinschaften verlagern. Die Mi

multilevel governance, energy systems, climate change
August 1, 2019

Connecting the Unconnected

Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes premises in Brussels hosted the joint event of IMEAS and C-Track 50 organised on the 19th of June during EUSEW 2019. Both projects investigate the linkage between the different levels of governance and address Multi-Level Governance as a means to incorporate EU-energy policy and climate targets at the national, regional and/or local level. Their working basis is structured on

green economy, ecology, sustainability, climate change, transport, mobility
July 10, 2019

Green Ways to Work: Competition for Enterprises in Allgäu Region

Green Ways to Work – so heißt der neue Wettbewerb für Unternehmen im Allgäu, den eza! am 8. Juli startet. Ziel ist es, die Mitarbeiter dazu zu motivieren, beim täglichen Weg zur Arbeit auf klimafreundliche Verkehrsmittel wie Fahrrad, Bus und Bahn umzusteigen. Das hilft der Umwelt, fördert die Gesundheit der Mitarbeiter und entschärft das Parkplatzproblem, mit dem viele Betriebe kämpfen &#

solar energy, photovoltaic, renewable energy sources
July 5, 2019

Danish researchers create worldwide solar energy model

Solar cells are currently the world’s most talked-about renewable energy source, and for any future sustainable energy system, it is crucial to know about the performance of photovoltaic systems at local, regional and global levels. Danish researchers have just set up an historically accurate model, and all the data have been made available for anyone who wants to use it. Solar energy is adv

energy systems, Future energy, funding instrument
June 24, 2019

Paving the Way for Smart Solar Power in Europe: Joint Session of ERA-Net SES and SOLAR ERA.Net

IMEAS Partner B.A.U.M. Consult GmbH, being part of the ERA-NET Smart Energy Systems Knowledge Community Management, held a side event to the Intersolar fair in Munich. The event was co-organized by SOLAR-ERA.NET and ERA-Net Smart Energy Systems. The research and development community, industry representatives, investors and funding partners met and worked together on transnational level to create

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Cooperative planning processes | authorities, architects and citizens work together to develop a concept
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