climate change, energy, planning, policies
June 15, 2019

Regional event presenting the national policy for climate and energy

On 4th June, the prefecture organized a presentation-debate dedicated to national approaches to fight against climate change with the intervention of Laurent Michel, Director General of Energy and Climate at the Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition. The Government has just published the projects of the National Low Carbon Strategy (SNBC), aiming for carbon neutrality by 2050, and of m

IMEAS, multidimensional-governance, energy, stakeholders
June 11, 2019

IMEAS hands-on training and capacity building workshop in Slovenia

On 6th and 7th of June KSSENA held a capacity building workshop and hands-on training in Slovenia. On 6th of June municipal representatives participated on capacity building workshop, that was focused on issue of many levels of actors that are involved in energy planning, but their actions seem to be in disharmony. In the different EU countries different governance levels have dissimilar backgroun

electrification, low-carbon, industry, Power-to-Heat
June 5, 2019

Frontier electric technologies in industry

In WEO (World Energy Outolook) 2018 IEA introduced the Future is Electric Scenario to test what could happen to electricity demand if economic opportunities for electrification were maximized. It has been found that industry had the potential to account for a major portion of increased electrification globally, rising from 27% today to 37% in 2040 – an increase of almost 1 700 TWh. This growth

nZEB, funding instrument, sustainability
June 3, 2019

Review economicum Session 8 | Residential building wisely refurbish

On 10th April 2019 the eighth session of the economicum took place in the Raiffeisenforum Dornbirn. Various concepts, measured energy savings, costs and cost-effectiveness of housing renovations were presented and compared using the example of various projects. As the example buildings show, energetically high-quality renovations can also have architecturally high quality. Event Resume The energet

antartide, photovoltaic, renewable energy sources
April 16, 2019

Antarctica: First solar power plant for the Italian base

The first photovoltaic power plant of the Italian “Mario Zucchelli” base in Antarctica has been built, continuing the transition to 100% energy from renewable sources after the construction of a wind farm in the previous year.  The plant became operative during the 34th Summer Campaign of the National Antarctic Research Program (PNRA), funded with 23 million euro by the MI

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Cooperative planning processes | authorities, architects and citizens work together to develop a concept
economicum Session 11 | Sanieren am laufenden Band?