Tavolo di confronto IMEAS – Azioni congiunte per un approccio integrato nella gestione dell’energia

Event 26/03/2019
Published on the platform: March 25, 2019

Energy efficiency and renewables have a crucial role in the current energy transition.

Which actions are needed to support Local Authorities with the technical definition and implementation of energy efficiency measures?
How to guarantee the access to energy consumption data?
Which actions we can develop to overcome the non-technological barriers to the deployment of renewable energy?
How we can ensure that coordination and support programs to local initiative reach a tangible and durable impact?

Tomorrow these themes will be at the center of a thematic workshop to support the definition of future pathways. The closed meeting, in which different actors participating to IMEAS project are involved, will produce working papers that will trigger a discussion with stakeholders and institutions in different economic sectors.

Your opinion will be important, stay tuned for future updates!

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Roberta Roberto
Event Organizer:
IMEAS (Fondazione per l’Ambiente – Turin School of Local Regulation ed ENEA)
IMEASenergy efficiency


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