The AMIGO conference “On the way to healthy and environmentally friendly mobility” is aimed at local and regional politicians from the four-country region of Austria, Germany, Switzerland and Liechtenstein, at those responsible for mobility management and health promotion in companies and municipalities, as well as at experts and those interested in the mobility and health sector.
Scientific findings have long since proven that private motorized transport is one of the main causes of climate-damaging CO2 emissions. Diseases of affluence such as obesity, diabetes or cardiovascular problems cause enormous costs. Lack of exercise is a central factor. Walking, cycling and using public transport bring movement into everyday life and benefit health as well as the environment and the climate. Where do we need to start in order to initiate behavioral changes? Motivate or prescribe? Where does gentle encouragement become manipulation? And where do we need clear rules and framework conditions?
More information and the detailed program can be found here: AMIGO Symposium