
4th International Conference on Green Energy Technology

2019 4th International Conference on Green Energy Technology (ICGET 2019) will be held in Rome, Italy during 16-18 July, 2019. ICGET serves to foster communication among researchers and practitioners working in a wide variety of scientific areas with a common interest in improving Green Energy Technology related techniques. Three Outstanding Professors have joined as Speakers: Prof. Marco Casin


Connect the Unconnected

How does the EU commissioners know what the mayors need? How does a minister inform the regional development agency about national plans? How does a Local Energy Community get in contact with a state level agency? In the different EU countries different governance levels have dissimilar backgrounds, conflicting mechanisms, incentives and reporting tools. The IMEAS and C-track 50 projects study


En.občina & En.management 019

Konferenca energetskih menedžerjev iz lokalnih skupnosti, industrije in podjetniškega sektorja s podelitvijo nagrad energetsko najbolj prodornim slovenskim občinam. Letošnja konferenca poteka v sodelovanju z lokalnimi energetskimi agencijami. Information source: https://www.energetika.net/en-dogodki/en-obcina-en-management-019#tab_naslovnica-9


“E-vent” makes the Energy Autonomy Vorarlberg a tangible experience

10 years of „Energy Autonomy Vorarlberg“ Friday, June 14, 2019 will be the day of the party: Several energy-producing companies, and the Energy Autonomous Community Hard will open their doors on Friday, 14th June 2019 and show how Vorarlberg’s energy autonomy is promoted / realized in everyday life. The unanimous decision of the state parliament on energy autonomy Vorarlberg marks its te



Fachkongress Innovative Stromanwendungen im Wohnbau 2019 Für Fachleute zeichnet sich der Trend deutlich ab: das Gebäude der Zukunft wird zum „Prosumer“ – der Stromverbrauch für die Elektrogeräte, die Wärme und die Elektromobilität werden künftig durch Photovoltaik bestritten. Diese Herausforderung gehen wir beim Fachkongress “Innovative Stromanwendungen im Wohnbau”am Donnerstag, d

Play a part in the Platform!

July 8, 2021
Vorarlberg and St. Gallen work together for public transport
June 25, 2021
Vorarlberg/Austria unanimously adopts the Energy Autonomy+ 2030 strategy